
Jolanta Kordonski Dixon

I began my yoga journey in 1996 shortly after arriving in New Zealand from Zimbabwe. I was introduced to a lovely lady, Avril Warren who became my ‘kiwi’ mum and who warmly welcomed me to join her in her refurbished garage along with a few other enthusiasts. It was a wonderful experience. There, 7-8 of us met 3x a week and we practiced, laughed, got frustrated, elated, shared our stories and I came to realise then that yoga would always be part of my life. This yoga form was Iyengar Yoga.

Roll on 20+ years and so much has passed. I practiced both Hatha/Iyengar and Ashtanga yoga during this period whilst working full time in the fashion world. Yoga became my ‘go to’ place for sanity and fulfilment.

In 2018 I finally signed off from the corporate world and flew to India. I spent a month in Pune at the Iyengar Institute under the watchful eyes of some of BKS Iyengar’s most senior teachers. I wanted to learn from the source and I wanted to practice in the very place where it all began – beautiful, colourful, complicated, vibrant India. I also spent two separate months in Rajpur, Uttrakhand at the Yog-ganga Centre learning from Rajiv and Swati Chanchani in their very beautiful centre in the countryside.

My education continued with a month in the outskirts of Goa where I qualified in the Ashtanga Primary Series under prominent Ashtanga teacher Lalit Kumar.

My journey led me to realise that alignment based yoga, using props where necessary, was the way I would progress in my teaching of this ancient, wonderful discipline… props of intelligence not of shame.

I continue to study under the mentorship of senior Iyengar teachers in New Zealand and Australia.

My desire is to practice alongside other students as they use their bodies in asana to eventually study their minds – an inward transformational journey. To this end I have created a well equipped room nestled in a private, peaceful haven that offers the tools needed (physically and mentally), to have a truly fulfilling practice and over time discover the real essence of themselves.


My qualifications include: Iyengar Yoga L1 Certification + RHS 200 accredited with Yoga Alliance US, Yoga Alliance Professionals UK, Yoga Alliance International, The World Yoga Council and International Yoga Federation.


Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher




“Jolanta has excellent knowledge of the asanas. Her ‘hands on’ adjustments are amazing. I have enjoyed practicing yoga with her and her teaching style is informative, caring and nurturing. Highly recommended.”


“I was very fortunate to be at my regular yoga class when Jolanta was standing in for our usual teacher. The class flowed really well at a good pace and Jolanta’s relaxed and attentive style instilled confidence in me. I felt each of us were extended in our practice and were in good hands. I really enjoyed the class and look forward to visiting the new Masterton studio when I get the chance”.


“When Jolanta teaches you recognise she has a genuine love of yoga… it comes from the heart. She encourages you to not just experience the physical aspects but to delve deeper into the spiritual side which is what yoga is…”


“Jolanta is a cool yoga teacher brimming with knowledge of both the physical and spiritual side of this ancient discipline… I have a ‘buggered’ knee and there is a yoga pose ‘supta virasana’ that I have struggled with for years… one class with Jolanta and she showed me how to use a chair as a prop and get into a position where I could get the benefits of the pose in comfort and without pain… you are in safe hands with this teacher and she will surely look after you… plus she’s just a downright nice lady!”


“I was feeling tired and exhausted when I went to my regular Saturday class. Jolanta was leading a chair class and it was just what I needed. It helped me get deeper into my poses and was great to feel the alignment from the support of the back bar of the chair and to get my hips even and level. The instruction was clear and concise and the demonstrations looked great. Jolanta’s teaching shows her passion and how far along in her yoga journey she has come… she will be missed in Auckland.”


“Sorry you are leaving Auckland! We will miss your warmth and great teaching of Iyengar Yoga. I liked that you would challenge but not push your students. Good luck in Masterton.”


“It is bittersweet for me now that Jolanta has left and Auckland and consequently my local Iyengar studio (which I have attended for 23 years) to set up her permanent home and yoga studio. However, as I am familiar with the beautiful Wairarapa region of Aotearoa, I can completely understand this decision and more so when looking at the photos of the new studio she has created.

I am really looking forward to taking a trip south and gaining some rejuvenation time when all is up and running.

I have loved attending Jolanta‘s classes here in Auckland at my favourite Iyengar yoga school. Jolanta’s teaching style is enjoyable, informative and makes for wanting more. Her instruction is clear and concise and her voice has a calming even quality and tone. Jolanta has such kindness emanating too, this radiates from her and draws one easily into the period of mindfulness that the yoga session is. I highly recommend Jolanta‘s teaching for those new to yoga or for those who are familiar to this very safe style. And for me?... I am hoping there might be some retreat type classes in the future to make for additional good reason to head south!“

Margaret B-C